Friday, July 8, 2011

Our 4th of July!

We started the weekend off at Stadium of Fire with Rob's family.
And because I am the horrible picture taker that I am, this is
our one and only picture from the night.
However, the fireworks were AMAZING this year!
I was in awe the whole time!

Then, on the 4th my parents came home!!
It was so much fun picking them up at the airport,
and even more fun having them home!

I have the cutest nieces and nephews!
And husband! :)

After the airport we went to my aunt and uncles house
for a BBQ and fireworks with my dad's side of the family.
Once again, I am horrible at remembering to take pictures
so we don't have any pictures to show for it,
but we had a great time!

To say the least,
it was a wonderful weekend/day!

Friday, July 1, 2011

I've got the Decorating Bug

Since school is out, I have some extra time
on my hands so I decided to decorate some more!
As I have been buying decorations little by little
to decorate our house,
I have discovered that I really enjoy decorating!
It has been a lot of fun finding furniture
and decorations for our house.

I thought I would share one of my creative ideas
I had this week.
It's super easy, and super cheap!

I went to Michaels and bought 3 frames that were 50% off.
Then I went to JoAnn's and bought enough fabric to
fit inside the frame.

I cut the fabric and taped it to the frame,
put the glass on and that was it!
(Please excuse the cheesy/bad photography)

I am also quite proud of some other purchases I made,
so I thought I'd share.
I found this lamp at Target after I had seriously searched every
decorating store I knew of.
Of the 10 stores I went to I found some I liked,
but I didn't feel like spending a fortune on just a lamp;
I was shocked at how expensive lamps are!
I finally found one that I liked and was a decent price,
so here it is!

I found this cute pillow at Pier 1 and loved it!

So there ya have it!

My next project is to cover pillows. I am going to use the same
fabric that I used for the picture frames.
I have to wait till my mom gets home to help me with that
one though!